Áiteanna don Naíonra agus GMC 2025/2026
Bhí an-éileamh ar áiteanna sa Naíonra agus sa Ghaelscoil arís i mbliana. Má tá spéis agat áit a fháil sa Naíonra nó sa ghaelscoil do 2025/26, is gá duit a chinntiú go bhfuil foirm maidir le ligean isteach líonta agat agus seolta thar n-ais chun na scoile.
Is féidir na foirmeacha, an polasaí iontrála agus eolas breise maidir le iontrálacha a íoslódáil thíos.
Enrolments for Naíonra & GMC 2025/2026
There was a great demand for places in Naíonra Céimeanna Beaga and the Gaelscoil again this year. If you are interested in having your child attend the Naíonra or Gaelscoil for the year 2025 / 2026, please ensure that you have an expression of interest form filled and returned to the school.
You can download our expression of interest forms, policies and general information on enrolment for the current year by clicking on the links below.
GMC 25-26 fogra-maidir-le-ligean-isteach
Polasai-Iontrála- Admissions Policy
Expression of Interest Form GMC 2025-2026